Call or Text...
You can call or text us anytime from 9am - 5pm M-F!
Calling is usually the easiest and quickest way for us to understand your vision and get all of your questions answered.
+1 (250)-295-9082
You can email us anytime!
Emailing us is a great way to share photos or links so we can better visualize and understand your vision! We look forward to your email!
Place An Order...
Our Store doesn't take any payment. It's setup for you to put an order through so we can see exactly what you're looking for and reach out to you to discuss it.
It's the best way for us to understand what you want and where it is going.
Here's how to place an order...
Step 1: Place your order. You will notice our Website is set up without any payment options. This means you can't actually pay us through the website. Please still place your order.
Step 2: We will contact you to discuss any final details and delivery options and costs.
Step 3: We will send you a final quote with any add-ons and delivery costs.
Contact Form...
Email Us! -
Call or Text Us!
+1 (250) 295 9082 -
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